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New Spare Parts

We prefer to sell reman parts however, if you intend to buy brand new parts, then we also have you covered. In our every day updated catalogue, you will find our newest product offering. However, many more products are added to our product line every day. Please contact one of our representatives to find the parts you need. Our highly trained sales team is ready to assist you find the solutions you need and guide you through the purchasing process.

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Reman Spare Parts

Remanufacturing takes advantage of the second life built into engine parts and other components, returning used parts to like-new condition—sometimes even better. When you buy a reman part, you get the same quality, warranty, performance and reliability at a fraction of the cost of the new version of the part. Virtually the only difference between a new part and a Reman part is the price. Many remanufacturers clean used parts, then destructively bore and mill them. Our approach is different and more comprehensive. At Remavy, remanufacturing is rebuilding, recycling, refurbishing, reconditioning, repairing and overhauling.

All Reman engines and components are

Assembled into like-new components with all engineering updates. Tested to the same standards as new parts. Backed by a same-as-new parts warranty.

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